Mark Twain (1835-1910). See Wikipedia for biography.
by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens).
The noted humorist's account of his 1866 trip to Hawaii, made at a time when the islands were still more for the natives than for the tourists. Yet Twain visits many of the sites and tries his hand at many of the activities that modern tourists do--he surfs, goes for an ocean canoe ride, sees the City of Refuge, visits the volcano, studies the nobility, and watches the hula. Twain the dreamer admired Hawaii, land of dreams, and he even writes seriously of the scenery, on occasion. Illustrations are from the original edition of the work, with others added from a similar time period from other sources. 96 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-070-3. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-070-6. Order #: VIST0070 paper$6.95
by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens).
Here are the famous humorist's adventures in and around early Virginia City, Nevada
Territory (now Nevada state). There are silver mining, speculation in silver mines, work
in a quartz mill. A trip to Lake Tahoe to secure a timber empire resulted mainly in
starting a forest fire. There was the search for the Lost Cement Mine, and, finally,
reporting for "The Territorial Enterprise", Virginia City's rollicking newspaper
that reported the episodes of riches and murders rampant in this important Western mining
center. The writings here were first published in 1872 in "Roughing It", but we
have pulled from the larger work just episodes on Virginia City in order to maintain that
as a focus. Read these Twain anecdotes for fun, but, remember, too, that these incidents
really happened, and that the principals were often in dead earnest; it just took Twain's
insights to show the satirical side of human nature. Illustrations are from the original book and other sources. 64 pages.
See sample pages, illustrations.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-074-6. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-074-4. Order #: VIST0074 paper$6.95.
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