Silver San Juan:
the mines and high scenery in Colorado's
southwest mountains--in 1882. by Ernest Ingersoll, with illustrations by Thomas Moran and others.
Presents early sketches of this region where the Colorado Rocky Mountains culminate in their grandest scenic display, including Silverton, Rico, Animas Canyon, Capitol City, Lake City. Although mines and mining are the prime topic in this early history, and the writing gives a good picture of mining in the mountain West, the author admired the landscapes greatly, too. It was a time for that in America, when national pride in Western grandeur was swelling. Silver San Juan was a great place for such pride, for the region has been called "The Switzerland of America". Most of the region's minerals have now been removed, but the economic input from that source is replaced by tourists who come enthusiastically in numbers. For those who want to know the background of the region they visit, this book is for them. Reprinted from 1882.
Illustrations by Thomas Moran and others. 24 pages.
ISBN -10: 0-89646-025-8. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-025-6. Order #: VIST0025 paper$3.95.
Sample pages and illustrations from Silver San Juan:
Here are the Thomas Moran illustrations from "Silver San Juan...the mines and high scenery in Colorado's southwest mountians--in 1882" [to be added].
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