Around the Circle in 1892--a thousand miles by rail through the Rocky Mountains.
by S. K. Hooper, Gen. Pass. Agent, Denver, Colorado.
"Being a descriptive of a trip among peaks, over passes, and through canons of Colorado--a journey which comprises more noted and magnificent scenery than is compassed in any other one thousand miles of travel in the known world," says the blurb on the title page of this tract prepared by the Passenger Department of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. Reprinted from a series of annual guides presented to passengers on the then-extensive rail lines through Colorado's mountains, with notes on routes, features seen, with "seventy points of interest Around the Circle for only $28 all seen from the train--in 1892.
Photographs, 56 pages.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-049-5. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-049-2. Order #:VIST0049 paper$4.95. OUT OF PRINT
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