What we do/Who we are
VistaBooks publishes on the outdoors and American history.
VistaBooks has as its focus presenting participant-observer accounts of historic events that occurred at particular sites, often now national and state parks and historic monuments. Readers can thus relive contemporary, often first-hand experiences rather than read historians' reconstructions, 'though update inserts are often added to give current context
Experience what happened, for instance, during the snowbound tragedy of the Donner party. Read Mark Twain's humorous account of mining-boom days at Virginia City, Nevada Territory or in early Hawaii. Get tours of Montauk Point on Long Island, Sequoia, Yellowstone, and Yosemite by travel writers of early days including John Muir and Clarence King. Have Bat Masterson tell you about famous western gunfighters. Have Teddy Roosevelt tell how to ranch in the far west, before he became America's president. And there is ranger history by an early national park director, plus Indian rock art, as well as maritime tales of whaling and lighthouses and life-saving service. Each book is well illustrated, some by Thomas Moran or Frederic Remington.
VistaBooks supplies its titles to state and national parks as well as museums, visitor centers, and bookstores all across America. Although we are located in Colorado, we are national in scope even though otherwise a small company. Before, most of these titles have been mainly available only at the historic sites themselves. Now you can also have them sent to you. Order by sending us an email. Or, go to How-to-Order/Order Form.
We are about the smallest company you'll ever find doing what we do. VistaBooks has been operating in Colorado continuously since 1979 (at Evergreen, Lakewood, and Grand Junction) and in the Rocky Mountains of Summit County at Silverthorne since 1990. We have also operated in California and Nevada, and an earlier name used was Outbooks; some of our imprints still carry that name. We have also been known as National Park Publications, thus tracing our origins back to 1972, over 50 years ago. There have been stints working as a ranger or naturalist in national parks and as a planner in park master planning. There has also been some free-lance magazine article writing and for other publishers, and even 30+ years spent as a professional ski instructor (see the site SkiMyBest: exits). This background leads us toward our projects.
Thanks for looking at VistaBooks. We hope to hear from you.
William R. "Bill" Jones
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Associated websites:
TruckeeRiverWinery.com: exits
for award-winning wines--pinot noir, merlot, and zinfandel
--from Truckee River Winery ("Highest and
Coldest" winery), in Truckee, California,
made by Bill Jones' vintner son Russell Jones
and winery manager granddaughter Katy Jones.
SharsmithPeak.org: exits
for a proposal to name a Yosemite mountain peak
for this long-time National Park Service ranger-naturalist.
SkiMyBest.com: exits
"Learn to Ski/Ski Better/SkiMyBest":
for tips on skiing and getting the most from a
ski lesson,
by Bill Jones, Certified Level 3 Alpine Ski
Instructor and author of VistaBooks website.
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VistaBooks LLC is a
business name registered
with the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office as trademark #2,428,553
and is also registered as a limited liability company with the
Colorado Secretary of State.
VistaBooks began in 1972 as Outbooks and now also includes VistaBooks Outlet.com and VistaBooksEncore.com, and VistaBooksVintaqge.com.
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This "About Us/Blog" page was last modified June 9, 2024. Did you come here from a link on another website? For latest version of this page, click or copy to your browser: https://www.vistabooks.com/pages/vistpubsblog.html. Copyright © 2023VistaBooks LLC.
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